Technical specifications

Original title: Parabellum
Duration: 75 min
Genre: Fiction
Original format: HD
Origin: Argentina-Uruguay-Austria
Year: 2015



In the company of housewives, professionals and a retired tennis instructor, Hernán is part of a middle-class community that is preparing for the eventual arrival of the end of the world. Their contact with nature will help them restore an instinct for protection that seemed to be lost.

Director’s note

In 2012, after the end of the Mayan calendar, many people started taking part in survival courses to physically prepare for the “end of the world.” I found this panic and hysteria intriguing and worth observing. Over time, I came to think that these preparatory trainings were a way to escape from reality and routine. It seemed to me that, for some, the experience was almost like tourism.


Sript: Lukas V. Rinner, Esteban Prado, Ana Godoy
Direction: Lukas V. Rinner
Production: Nabis filmgroup (Ar-Au) – La pobladora cine (Uy) – 2M Cine (Ar) – Catnap (Ar)
Cinematography: Roman Kasseroller
Editing: Ana Godoy, Javier Favot
Production design: Valentina Dariomerlo
Sound: Bahuel Palenque
Music: Dino Spiluttini


BAL Bafici


Pablo Seijó
Eva Biano
Martín Shanly



Rotterdam IFF – Hivos Tiger Awards Competiton
Gotteborg IFF
New Directors/New Films NY
Diagonale – Best First feature
Salzburg Latinoamerican Film Festival
Jeonju IFF – Jury Special Award
Festival de Cine de Vilnus
Festival de Cine de Varsovia
Festival Crossing Europe Cinema Next
Festival Internacional de Cine de Mar del Plata – Best Argentinian Feature